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Each user shall provide protection from accidental spill and slug discharges of prohibited materials or other substances regulated by this chapter which may interfere with the POTW. Facilities, equipment, materials, etc., to prevent accidental spills and slug discharges of prohibited materials shall be provided and maintained at the owner’s or user’s own cost and expense.

Direct or indirect connections or entry points which could allow spills or uncontrolled discharges of prohibited or restricted substances to enter the sewer system shall be eliminated, labeled, or controlled so as to prevent the entry of wastes in violation of this chapter. The WRD Manager may require the industrial user to install or modify equipment or make other changes necessary to prevent such discharges as a condition of issuance of a control mechanism or as a condition of continued discharge into the sewer system. A schedule of compliance shall be established by the WRD Manager, which requires completion of the required actions within the shortest reasonable period of time. Violation of the schedule without an extension of time granted by the WRD Manager is a violation of this chapter.

Industrial users having a history of, or possessing the potential for, accidental spills and/or slug discharges that could upset the treatment plant or cause a violation of the treatment plant’s NPDES permit shall submit and implement a spill prevention/slug control program or take such other action that may be necessary to control slug discharges. A spill prevention/slug control plan shall be submitted to the WRD Manager within 90 days of notification of requirement by the WRD Manager. Review and approval of such plans and operating procedures shall not relieve the user from the responsibility to modify the user’s facility as necessary to meet the requirements of this chapter, or all other laws and regulations governing the use, storage, and transportation of hazardous substances.

The plan shall include at least the following elements and shall be available for inspection at the facility during normal business hours:

(1) A description of discharge practices, including nonroutine batch discharges;

(2) A description of process chemicals and stored chemicals;

(3) Provisions for immediate notification of the WRD Manager of any accidental and/or slug discharge, with follow-up written notification within five days per Section 11.301;

(4) A description of the potential points of entry into the sewer system;

(5) A description of the measures or other actions to be taken to prevent entry at the described points before a spill occurs;

(6) Measures to be taken in the event of a spill of prohibited or restricted materials to contain them;

(7) A description of employee training in the prevention and control of spills.

[Replaced Sec. 2 (Exh. A), Ord. No. 2021-13, Feb. 18, 2021.]