5.620 Park Traffic Limits.
(1) No person shall operate a motor vehicle within any public park of the City, exceeding the speed limits set forth below:
(a) In parking lots and on roadways within a park, not greater than ten (10) miles per hour;
(b) On the Prescott Park Road, not greater than twenty (20) miles per hour; and
(c) At the IOOF/Eastwood Cemetery, not greater than ten (10) miles per hour.
(2) It is unlawful to park any vehicle except in designated areas. Any vehicle parked in violation of this section, or which obstructs traffic or is abandoned, shall be removed and impounded; with the associated expenses being borne by the owner.
(3) With the prior approval of the Parks and Recreation Director, traffic and parking in City Parks may be restricted due to special events or circumstances. Signs giving notice of any restrictions shall be posted and maintained in a conspicuous manner to inform the public. It is unlawful for any person to violate any restrictions imposed under this subsection after notice thereof has been posted.
(4) Violation of this section constitutes a violation.