6.720 Damaging or Destroying Trees on Public Property; Violation.
With regard to any tree on public property, except as provided in the adopted standards and these sections, no person shall:
(1) Break, injure, mutilate, burn, kill, remove or destroy any tree;
(2) Permit any leak to exist in any gas pipe or main within the root zone of any tree;
(3) Permit any toxic chemical, solid or liquid, to pass, drain or be emptied on or about any tree;
(4) Permit any wire designed to carry electrical current to be attached to any tree;
(5) Excavate any tunnel, ditch or trench, or lay any driveway, sidewalk or pavement through or across the root zone of any tree;
(6) Attach any wire, rope, cable, poster, sign or nail or other fastener to any tree;
(7) Place, deposit or store any stone, brick, sand, earth or other material as to damage any tree that is maintained in accordance with the adopted standards;
(8) Move any building or other large object along any street in such a manner as to damage any tree that is maintained in accordance with the adopted standards;
(9) Prevent, delay or interfere with the Manager or his agents in the planting, maintenance or removal of any tree.