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- Description
- Planning
- Disposition
- Adoption Date
- 1/21/2021
- Affecting
10.012, Definitions, Specific
(Amended by Sec. 1)
10.327, Neighborhood Commercial, C-N
(Amended by Sec. 2)
10.702, Lot Area and Dimensions
(Amended by Sec. 4)
10.707, Exceptions to Yard Requirements
(Amended by Sec. 6)
10.708, Residential Density
(Amended by Sec. 7)
10.710, Residential Site Development Standards by Housing Type
(Amended by Sec. 8)
10.712, Townhouse Dwellings
(Amended by Sec. 9)
10.721, Commercial and Industrial Site Development Standards
(Amended by Sec. 11)
10.741, Parking and Loading, General Provisions
(Amended by Sec. 12)
10.743, Off-Street Parking Standards
(Amended by Sec. 13)
10.837, Dwelling Units in Commercial Districts
(Amended by Sec. 14)
- Previously Affecting