10.220 Major Type IV Amendments.
(1) Major Type IV Amendments are those land use changes that have widespread and significant impact beyond the immediate area, such as changes capable of producing large volumes of traffic, changes to the character of the land use itself, or changes that affect large areas or involve many different ownerships. Major Type IV Amendments include:
(a) Major Comprehensive Plan, including separate plans adopted by reference;
(b) Major General Land Use Plan Map Amendment;
(c) Major Urban Growth Boundary;
(d) Major Zoning Map Amendment;
(e) Urban Reserves;
(f) Urban Growth Management Agreement;
(g) Urban Reserve Management Agreement;
(h) Urbanization Plan
(2) Major Type IV Amendment Approval Criteria. Refer to the Review and Amendment section of the Comprehensive Plan, except in the case of the following four actions:
(a) Major Zoning Map Amendment. Refer to the approval criteria for Land Development Code Amendments in Section 10.218.
(b) Urban Growth Boundary Amendment. Refer to Urbanization Element of the Comprehensive Plan.
(c) Urban Reserve Adoption/Amendment. Refer to ORS 195.137–145 and OAR 660-021.
(d) Urbanization Plan. Refer to Sections 5 and 6 in the Urbanization Planning Chapter in the Neighborhood Element
(3) Urbanization Plan Application Form. An application for an Urbanization Plan shall contain the following items:
(a) Written consent of owner(s) within the planning unit per the Urbanization Planning requirements in the Comprehensive Plan.
(b) Urbanization Plan map(s) drawn to scale that includes the Plan Contents found in Section 5 in the Urbanization Planning Chapter in the Neighborhood Element (20 copies).
(c) One reduced copy of each size plan (8.5” x 11” and 11”x 17”).
(d) Electronic files in dwg format or shapefiles.
(e) Vicinity map including other adjacent planning units and their General Land Use Plan designations.
(f) Property lines for the subject planning unit and adjacent properties, particularly where new streets are proposed.
(g) Existing easements of record, irrigation canals, and structures.
(h) Areas designated as unbuildable per the Urban Growth Boundary City Council Report dated August 18, 2016 (Map A-1), and the status of those areas, including agricultural buffers.
(i) Written or graphical representation of compliance with the Plan Contents found in Section 5 in the Urbanization Planning Chapter in the Neighborhood Element.
(j) Written findings showing compliance with the Regional Plan requirements
(k) Contour lines and topography
(l) Property owners’ names, addresses, and map and tax lot numbers within 200 feet of the project boundaries, typed on mailing labels.
(m) Documentation that a neighborhood meeting was conducted in accordance with Section 10.194.