2.080 Study Sessions.
(1) Council public study sessions shall be held on the second Thursday when there is not a regular City Council meeting at 6:00 p.m. in City Hall with the option to utilize the fourth Thursday for special and time-sensitive subjects. Additional days may be utilized at the request of the Council or City Manager. Any study session may be canceled at the discretion of the City Manager, unless the session was specifically requested by the Council. If a meeting falls on a holiday, it shall not be held.
(2) A quorum is not required for a study session and members are not under any obligation to attend.
(3) The purpose of a study session shall be for councilmembers to informally receive background information on city business and to give councilmembers an opportunity to ask questions and to express their individual views.
(4) Particular cases involving quasi-judicial decisions shall not be discussed at study sessions.
(5) No decision shall be made and no vote shall be taken at any study session, except on a point of order.
(6) The agenda for a study session shall be made up by the City Manager and distributed at least 24 hours in advance. The council may, at any regular meeting, direct the City Manager to schedule appropriate matters which the council wants discussed at study sessions. However, appropriate non-agenda items may be discussed if a majority of members present agree.
(7) Minutes of each study session shall be kept by the City Recorder or Deputy Recorder and filed in the Recorder's office. Council approval of such minutes is not required.
(8) The study session agenda shall be posted in City Hall and made available to interested persons including news media which have requested notice at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.
(9) The rules contained in this section may not be suspended.