2.451 Transportation Commission.
(1) The Transportation Commission is hereby established to advise the City Council and the Planning Commission on all matters affecting transportation policy in the City and the surrounding area. The duties of the Transportation Commission include:
(a) Examine multi-modal transportation issues.
(b) Evaluate level-of-service alternatives.
(c) Evaluate travel demand management alternatives.
(d) Make recommendations concerning provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code that affect transportation.
(e) Facilitate coordination of transportation issues with other governmental agencies.
(f) Receive and consider recommendations from the Traffic Coordinating Committee and the Active Transportation Advisory Committee.
(g) Perform such other related duties assigned by the City Council.
The meetings of the Transportation Commission are not to be considered a part of any land use hearings process and the records of its proceedings shall not be a part of the record of any land use case. However, the Transportation Commission may submit testimony and evidence in a land use matter in the same manner as any other party.
(2) The Transportation Commission shall consist of ten voting members. There shall be one standing representative from each of the following:
Planning Commission, Active Transportation Advisory Committee, Traffic Coordinating Committee, Parking Committee, RVTD (Rogue Valley Transportation District), and TRADCO (the Transportation Advocacy Committee of the Medford/Jackson County Chamber of Commerce).
(3) The at-large voting members of the Commission shall be appointed by the Mayor and City Council for terms of three years, except that shorter terms may be used to stagger appointments so that the terms of at least two members expire each year. Three-year terms for members shall begin February 1st and expire January 31st.
(4) The Transportation Commission shall adopt rules of procedure, as necessary, and shall by resolution establish either a regular meeting date or rules of procedure under which meetings may be called. Six voting members shall constitute a quorum. The Transportation Commission shall select one of its members as chair and may select such other officers as it deems necessary.
(5) The City shall provide staff members from the Public Works and Planning Departments to assist the Transportation Commission and may provide other staff assistance as deemed appropriate.
(6) The minutes of the meetings of the Transportation Commission shall be filed with the City Recorder’s office.