5.221 Prohibited Conduct in Business Offering Nude Entertaining.
(1) No person, while performing in a nude show, shall intentionally come into physical contact with any patron.
(2) No performer, while performing in a nude show, shall accept any gratuity or allow any gratuity to be placed on the person of the performer by any patron.
(3) No person who performs in a nude show, while not entertaining, shall intentionally come into physical contact, while in a state of nudity, with any patrons, or appear while in a state of nudity in any area to which patrons have access.
(4) No person, other than another performer, shall intentionally come into physical contact with any person engaged in a nude show during any part of the show.
(5) No person shall intentionally place any gratuity in the hand or on the person of a performer in a nude show during the show.
(6) A nude show must be performed in an area separated from the audience by a distance of at least 4 feet. No person shall perform in a nude show in violation of this subsection. No owner or manager of an establishment shall knowingly allow any nude show to be performed in such establishment in violation of this subsection.
(7) No owner or manager of an establishment shall knowingly allow any employee, agent or contractor of the establishment to touch a patron’s covered or uncovered genitalia, pubic area, buttocks or female breast.
(8) No employee, agent or contractor of an establishment shall intentionally touch a patron’s covered or uncovered genitalia, pubic area, buttocks or female breast.
(9) No owner or manager of an establishment shall knowingly allow any employee, agent or contractor of the establishment to appear in any public area of the establishment in a state of nudity, except while performing in a nude show in accordance with this section.
(10) No employee, agent or contractor of an establishment shall appear in any public area of the establishment in a state of nudity, except while performing in a nude show in accordance with this section.
(11) “Nude show” means a show in which a performer appears for any part of the show in a state of nudity.
(12) “State of nudity” means appearing with any of the following exposed to view:
(a) if a male, his genitalia or buttocks;
(b) if a female, her genitalia, buttocks or any part of either breast below the top of the areola.
(13) “Exposed to view” means without a covering consisting of an opaque material which does not simulate the organ covered.
(14) “Establishment” means a business principally engaged in providing food, drink, alcoholic beverages, entertainment, or any combination of the foregoing, for consumption or viewing on the premises of the business.