2.193 Policy Considerations.
(1) The primary purpose of City Hall and the Service Center is to provide facilities for carrying out the functions and activities of the City of Medford. Therefore, City activities shall always have priority over all other uses of these buildings.
(2) Use of City buildings by other persons and organizations should not create undue security risks, nor should it result in any significant extra expense for the City.
(3) Sharing of facilities among government agencies is a common practice which is in the public interest because it helps avoid unnecessary duplication.
(4) Use of idle City facilities by a variety of community organizations will benefit a large number of people and is one way of making public use of the facilities.
(5) City government should not subsidize individual businesses by providing facilities for use by them in carrying out their business activities.
(6) Use of City facilities by private groups does not in any way imply that the City approves the activities, policies, views or positions of such groups.
(7) Outside organizations whose members are predominantly citizens of Medford or groups which meet for the purpose of benefiting the city will be given priority should scheduling conflicts occur.