2.055 Voting.
(1) Only a member who is present shall be permitted to vote when the "ayes" and "nays" on a question are called for. Presence shall be determined by the following:
(a) When a member' name is called in the regular order, in the case of a roll call vote; or
(b) In any other case, when the question is put.
(2) The president of the council or a councilmember acting as president pro tem may vote on all questions in all cases in which he might vote if not so acting.
(3) On a motion to adopt an ordinance, or to adopt a resolution authorizing any disposition of public funds, or in the course of special assessment proceedings, there shall be a roll call vote. On all other motions it is sufficient to put the question in the following form: "All in favor say 'aye,' opposed 'nay'." If the presiding officer is then uncertain of the votes cast or if a division is called for, the presiding officer shall call for a roll call vote.
(4) In order to carry an authorization to expend public funds, at least three members of the council shall vote affirmatively for the proposition.